Why being “selfish” is the only way to be

I know what you’re thinking “but, but, being selfish, that’s BAD!” Bad how exactly? Why did putting yourself first become a bad thing? Besides, you’re either honest with yourself or you’re a fucking liar to the most important person in your world: You. Everyone is selfish. Especially the ones that say that aren’t. Why? Oh, they may do nice things and help people out, but it’s usually based on some spoken or unspoken transactional relationship that ensures no one gets what they want.

Start putting yourself first, and be honest with yourself about it. You’ll be much better off, less stressed, and happier.  Ok, Mr Zero Fucks, you’re saying I shouldn’t put my children or my spouse first?!?! What kind of monster are you? Don’t you know that’s wrong?? Yes! That’s exactly what I’m saying! So glad I’m getting my point across. No, it’s not wrong to put yourself first. That doesn’t mean that you are less kind to your spouse and kids. In fact, if you take my advice you’ll be a much more pleasant person to be around, and people will want you around more. Everyone needs their space and if you DON’T like space, you’ve got an even bigger problem because if you don’t like spending time with yourself, you will never be happy with other people. If you smother or cling to others to fill some void you have in yourself, then I hope you find a fellow co-dependent nut job to live your life with, because most will be driven away in record time. I know this from experience.

So that brings me to Zero Fucks rule No. 1:

You are the most important person in your life


Journey to Zero Fucks

I’m sure there are plenty of guys out there that were like me. Nice guys, doing everything for everybody. Never learning to say no. Never getting what you wanted out of life. Maybe like me you got lost yourself. At 37, I found myself divorced, trying to raise 3 kids mostly on my own as well as manage an IT business.  I also was overweight, unhealthy and an emotional wreck. My life is very different and I’m a different person now.

Over the last couple of years, I’ve developed a Zero Fucks approach to life. In a nutshell, it is about placing priority on the things that really matter, and giving Zero Fucks about what ultimately doesn’t mean shit.. It’s a journey that continues to evolve in all aspects of my life. We will explore what it means for me, for you, and I welcome you along for the ride.